Glacial Lakes Hunting Lodge and Guide Service LLC
Glacial Lakes Hunting Lodge, a licensed game preserve located in North Central Codington County in Northeast South Dakota near Cottonwood Lake, a short 20 minute drive from Watertown, South Dakota. We specialize in guided and unguided pheasant hunts and open water and ice fishing.
Hunting Rates & Packages
1 person, self guided - $215
1 person, guided with dogs - $275
1 youth (under 18) with a paid adult - $175
Extra Birds $40.00
Bird Cleaning & Processing $8 per bird.
Noon Meal $20 per person
Evening Meal $30
Hunting Pass Punch Cards are available.$720 plus applicable tax,
If purchased by September 1st.
SnoBear Ice Fishing
Enjoy a day with our guides on one of several lakes in NE South Dakota.
Our guides stay on top of the fish every day. Fish in the comfort of our well stocked SnoBear.
Our Ice Fishing Packages are all inclusive - $300 per person or 3 for $800 all day in our
heated SnoBear or other comfortable accommodations.
Summer Fishing
1 day with guide and all equipment furnished along with fish cleaning at
end the of the day $300 per person or 3 for $700
1/2 day available for $150 per person
Applicable Tax on all purchases.
Must follow all state licensing guidelines.